Is This Your Situation: Considering Outsourcing Bookkeeping

Accurate and up-to-date financial records play an important part in your business’s success, but the daily tasks required to maintain these records fall to the bottom of your to-do list. That’s understandable — you didn’t go into business to become a bookkeeper. Wading through managing employees, paying bills, making long-term decisions and analyzing costs take up a lot of the day. Bookkeeping takes up a lot of your valuable time.

You may be considering hiring a bookkeeper to handle accounting tasks in-house as a solution, but it might not be the best solution. Let’s take a look at why outsourcing could be better for you.

  • Save on payroll and operating costs. Instead of hiring a new employee, you’ll keep payroll costs lower by not recruiting, training and offering benefits to another hire. Rather than funneling your payroll funds to support staff, spend more on core employees.
  • No waiting for an in-house bookkeeper to settle in and adjust to your company. Outsourced, virtual bookkeepers promise efficiency from Day One — an expert team on your side with expert oversight to resolve issues immediately.
  • Receive the benefits of a bookkeeper who’s up to date on the latest QuickBooks features and has comprehensive knowledge of state tax rules and reporting methods. Having a team working for you means you’ll have access to agents with the training you need.
  • Save time and minimize paperwork. Logging, analyzing and reconciling payments and other financial records take time. Outsource these tedious, time-consuming tasks and have more time for customer service, evaluating processes and improving operations overall.
  • Streamline your process with online portals based in the cloud. You’ll have access to your records at any time. This means cross-collaboration with centralized, organized data.
    • View your business’s financial status as money moves in and out. Expenses and income are sorted, giving you more detailed insights into your business.
    • Cash flow history, profits and losses, and your balance sheet are there for sharing with partners, employees, legal counsel and financial advisers. Quantitative insights are available.
  • Make smarter, more informed business decisions. Have the numbers to back up your instincts and gut. With financial intelligence, you can make better decisions.
    • Virtual bookkeeping helps you determine which customers or clients to invest more money in and which to stop marketing to.
    • Analyze when you need and can afford new employees. Calculate how much you can afford to pay them. 
  • Don’t expend valuable time and energy that could be better used growing your business. Outsourcing bookkeeping frees your time for what you do best.
  • Get your financials tax- and audit-ready. Professional bookkeeping services prepare financial records for accountants, the IRS and banking institutions. You won’t have to worry about your books’ accuracy or need to question the integrity of your financial data for investor reviews either. Simplify tax preparation, fully comply, file immediately and take advantage of potential tax deductions.

Maybe your bookkeeping needs are simply to keep tabs on cash flow. Keeping up to date on accounting tasks is essential. A virtual bookkeeping service is scalable; as you grow, you can upgrade. Just give Edwards, Ellis, Associates a call to get us started on your books today.

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